Disability Non-Profit of the Month: Learning Disabilities Association of America Based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

In 1963, a group of parents met at a Chicago, Illinois conference called “Exploration into the Problems of the Perceptually Handicapped Child.” This was before the term “learning disabilities” had been incorporated into common lexicon. It had been used in the title of a paper by Dr. Samuel Kirk, who presented at this conference, and many attendees found it to be a useful descriptor. This conference helped to define the cornerstones on which the field of Learning Disabilities rests.

After the conference, some of the participants worked together to create a national organization that could provide support and resources for children with learning disabilities. In January, 1964, this organization was founded under the name, “The Association for Children with Learning Disabilities,” or the ACLD. Now, it is known as the Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA), and it serves both children and adults.

The headquarters of the LDA are in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This office supports many state and local chapters and hundreds of volunteers. They also run an annual conference on learning disabilities, with over 3,000 participants each year.

Some of LDA’s areas of focus include:

  • Promoting research that could reduce the incidence of learning disabilities or improve intervention strategies
  • Advocating for access to evaluation services and early identification of learning disabilities
  • Protecting civil rights for people with learning disabilities by addressing congress, etc., and also advocating for individuals who need their support
  • Educating parents about their children’s needs and the resources available to them
  • Working with school systems to improve services for students with learning disabilities. LDA also offers scholarships for principals and teachers to attend their annual conference.
  • Publishing materials on topics relevant to adults with learning disabilities, such as employment, literacy, and civil rights.

To learn more about the Learning Disability Association of America, and what you can do to support them, click here.

Legal Assistance For Disabilities Caused By Birth Injuries: Reiter & Walsh ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers

Learning disabilities sometimes emerge as the result of birth injuries from medical malpractice. If you have a child with a disability you suspect may be due to birth injury, the attorneys at Reiter & Walsh ABC Law Centers: Birth Injury Lawyers can help. Our lawyers have decades of experience handling complex birth injury cases, and have helped children throughout the country obtain compensation for lifelong treatment, therapy, and a secure future. We give personal attention to each child and family we represent.