Search Results For: fetal distress

What Causes Seizures in Babies?

When a newborn baby begins to have seizures, parents wonder what is causing the seizures, how neonatal seizures are treated, if seizures mean the baby has a brain injury, and if the baby will have lifelong problems. Parents also want to know if the medical team did something wrong during or near the time of birth that caused the baby to have a brain injury, resulting in seizures....

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Introduction Worldwide, there are about 2.6 million stillbirths each year (1), 24,000 of which occur in the U.S. (2). Our rate of stillbirth is higher than that of many other developed nations. For example, it is more than double the rate in Iceland (3). This regional variation in stillbirths demonstrates that many of these deaths...

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[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” av_uid=’av-sw6sd6′ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=”] Advanced Maternal Age The phrase “maternal age” refers to how old a woman is when she gives birth. In recent decades, many developed countries have seen an increase in the average maternal age. There are many valid reasons to postpone having children, and many women...

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Cerebral palsy is a diagnosis that varies in type and severity of neurodevelopmental outcomes. People with cerebral palsy have impaired motor function, and in some cases also have cognitive disabilities. Cerebral palsy can be caused by environmental and/or genetic factors. Environmental causes of cerebral palsy Cerebral palsy can often be attributed to something that goes...

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Early Intervention for Developmental Delays

The Importance of Catching Developmental Delays Early Children with developmental delays of any kind (especially those due to hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy and other preventable birth injuries) require significant support in early childhood and throughout life. As soon as parents suspect developmental delays, they should consult with a pediatrician or specialist to determine the best plan...

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