Hippotherapy and Equine Therapy Programs in Michigan

Trust, joy, confidence, and connection with peers are important for any child. Different therapies can be used to facilitate those feelings for children with disabilities, including animal-assisted therapy. Fostering a bond between a human and animal can promote psychological, emotional, and physical well-being. Specifically, horses can help to facilitate those goals in therapies known as...

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Doulas: Who Are They and What Do They Do?

What is a doula? Doulas are professional birth coaches who provide emotional, informational, physical, and mental support to women during the prenatal, birth, and postpartum periods. Doulas do not provide medical care, but they are extraordinarily knowledgeable about childbirth.  What is a doula’s job? The job of the Doula during delivery is to act as...

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Staphylococcus (Staph) is the name for a group of common bacteria that, when it becomes infectious, can lead to serious disease. Healthy adults may carry around Staph bacteria in their nose or on their skin – in these areas, the bacteria is not harmful. However, if Staph bacteria gets into a cut or open sore,...

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Many parents find it challenging to balance the care and attention they give to each child, but this can be especially difficult when one child has a disability and another does not. Caring for a child with a disability can be so all-consuming that parents often worry their other children are falling by the wayside....

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A baby’s cry at birth tells the medical team that their lungs are healthy. Often parents will hear a doctor praise their baby’s cry, but does this mean that a baby who doesn’t cry at birth is not as healthy? The science behind crying Apart from the signature sound of a baby’s cry, there are...

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Leaking Amniotic Fluid and Birth Injuries

If amniotic fluid begins leaking during pregnancy, it may increase the baby’s risk of experiencing a birth injury. Sometimes, it may be difficult to determine if a pregnant person is leaking amniotic fluid or another substance, such as urine or vaginal discharge. (It is important to consult a doctor if there is any uncertainty.) What...

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Pregnancy Spotlight: Extreme Morning Sickness

Every day, our nurses and attorneys receive calls from expectant mothers with concerns about symptoms they’re experiencing during their pregnancy. They’re curious if their symptoms are normal, and they wonder what their next steps should be. Patients should always visit a medical professional with concerns and receive appropriate care for maternal-fetal conditions and illnesses that...

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What Causes Seizures in Babies?

When a newborn baby begins to have seizures, parents wonder what is causing the seizures, how neonatal seizures are treated, if seizures mean the baby has a brain injury, and if the baby will have lifelong problems. Parents also want to know if the medical team did something wrong during or near the time of birth that caused the baby to have a brain injury, resulting in seizures....

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