Maryland Birth Injury Lawyers

The arrival of a child should be a time of pure, unadulterated happiness. You spend months preparing, dreaming of holding your little one in your arms. But for some parents, that dream becomes a nightmare when their child suffers a birth injury, especially if it could have been prevented.

These injuries, often caused by medical mistakes, can have a lasting impact on your child’s health and development. It’s a devastating situation, filled with confusion and worry about your child’s future.

If the mistake could have been prevented, it is considered negligent behavior or medical malpractice. If your child was diagnosed with a birth injury in Maryland, you may be able to secure your child’s future with a lawsuit verdict or settlement.

Here at American Baby & Child (ABC) Law Centers, we understand. We are birth injury lawyers dedicated to helping families in Maryland navigate this difficult journey. We’ll fight to secure the compensation your child needs for lifelong medical care, therapy, and any other needs that may arise.

Why Choose ABC Law Centers for a Birth Injury Claim?

At ABC Law Centers, we understand that discovering your child’s birth injury was caused by medical negligence is an incredibly difficult time. It can feel overwhelming and isolating, leaving you with countless questions and a fierce determination to protect your child’s future. That’s where we come in.

Our attorneys are dedicated solely to birth injury cases. This singular focus allows us to develop a deep understanding of the complex medical issues involved and the emotional toll such injuries take on families. We don’t just handle cases; we stand alongside you as trusted advisors throughout this challenging journey.

Compassionate Representation with Proven Results

Since 1997, we’ve built a strong network of medical professionals, economists, and forensic specialists across the nation. These trusted partners work tirelessly to ensure your child’s needs are thoroughly documented and understood. Our attorneys are highly respected in the legal community, and their dedication has resulted in consistent recognition for their work in birth injury cases.

We understand the financial strain a birth injury can cause. That’s why we offer free consultations 24/7 and work on a contingency fee basis. This means you won’t pay a dime unless we secure compensation for your child’s future medical care, therapy, and other essential needs.

This is an emotional time, and we want to assure you that you don’t have to face this alone. Contact ABC Law Centers today for a free consultation. We’ll listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and help you navigate the legal process with compassion and unwavering support.

What is a Birth Injury?

A birth injury is a harm that occurs to a baby during pregnancy, labor, delivery, or shortly after birth. These injuries can range from mild to severe and may affect a child’s physical or cognitive development.

Birth injuries can be complex and often involve multiple issues. For example, a baby might experience:

  • Lack of oxygen at birth (known as hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy or HIE)
  • Brain bleeding (intracranial hemorrhage)

These injuries can result from medical mistakes or negligence. The effects of a birth injury aren’t always immediately apparent. In some cases, disabilities or developmental delays only become noticeable as the child gets older.

Not all birth injuries are the same, and the long-term impact can vary greatly from one child to another. If you suspect your child may have suffered a birth injury, seek medical advice and talk to a lawyer experienced in handling birth injury cases as soon as possible.

a baby with a heart shaped piece of gauze on one cheek

Common Birth Injuries

Some of the more common birth injury cases our attorneys have handled include one or more of the following conditions:

Types of Medical Negligence Leading to Birth Injuries

When expecting a child, Maryland parents trust medical professionals to provide the best care possible. Unfortunately, sometimes things can go wrong due to negligence. It’s important to understand that if your child has suffered a birth injury, you’re not alone, and it’s not your fault. Let’s look at some common types of medical negligence that can lead to birth injuries:

Failure to Monitor Fetal Distress

During labor and delivery, medical staff must closely monitor the baby’s heart rate and other vital signs. If they miss signs of distress, it can lead to serious complications. We understand how frightening it must be to think your baby’s distress may have been overlooked.

Improper Use of Forceps or Vacuum Extractors

Sometimes, doctors need to use tools like forceps or vacuum extractors to help deliver a baby. When used incorrectly, these tools can cause injuries to the baby’s head or nerves. If your child was injured this way, please know that you have every right to feel upset and seek answers.

Medication Errors During Pregnancy or Labor

The right medications at the right time can be crucial for a safe delivery. Errors in the type, dosage, or timing of medications can harm both mother and baby.

Failure to Perform Timely C-Section

In some situations, a quick decision to perform a C-section can prevent serious complications. Delayed action in these cases can lead to oxygen deprivation or other injuries. If you believe your doctor should have acted sooner, your concerns are valid and deserve attention.

Remember, experiencing any of these situations can be traumatic and overwhelming. It’s normal to feel a range of emotions, from sadness and anger to confusion and fear. Please know that support is available, both medically and legally. You don’t have to navigate this difficult time alone.

Reach out to a compassionate legal professional who can guide you through your options and help you seek the care and compensation your family deserves.

Signs and Symptoms of Birth Injuries

As a parent, you know your child better than anyone else. If you’re concerned that your baby may have suffered a birth injury, it’s important to trust your instincts. Recognizing the signs of a birth injury can be challenging, as they can vary widely and may not always be immediately apparent. Let’s explore some of the signs and symptoms to watch for, keeping in mind that every child is unique.

Immediate Signs After Birth

In some cases, birth injuries may be noticeable right away. You might observe:

  • Bruising, swelling, or abrasions on your baby’s head, face, or shoulders
  • Difficulty breathing or feeding
  • Seizures or muscle spasms
  • Unusually shaped head or favoring one side of the body

If you notice any of these signs, don’t hesitate to voice your concerns to the medical staff. Remember, you’re not overreacting – you’re being a caring, attentive parent.

Developmental Delays

Sometimes, the effects of a birth injury may not become apparent until your child is older. As your baby grows, you might notice they’re not meeting typical developmental milestones. This could include delays in:

  • Rolling over, sitting up, or crawling
  • Speaking or understanding language
  • Fine motor skills, like grasping objects
  • Walking or other gross motor skills

It’s natural to worry if your child seems to be developing differently from other children. While every child develops at their own pace, persistent delays could be a sign of a birth injury.

When to Suspect a Birth Injury

Trust your parental instincts. If something doesn’t feel right about your child’s development, it’s always better to seek professional advice. Some situations that might lead you to suspect a birth injury include:

  • A difficult or prolonged labor and delivery
  • Use of assistive devices during birth, like forceps or vacuum extractors
  • Your baby needing resuscitation or intensive care immediately after birth
  • Consistent developmental delays or physical difficulties as your child grows

Remember, suspecting a birth injury doesn’t mean you’re accusing anyone of wrongdoing. You’re simply being an advocate for your child’s health and well-being.

Talk to your baby’s pediatrician if you’re concerned about your child’s development or suspect a birth injury. They can provide a thorough evaluation and, if necessary, refer you to specialists. 

If you believe your child’s condition may be due to medical negligence during birth, talk to a compassionate birth injury attorney who can help you understand your options and ensure your child gets the care they need.

Your love and attention are your child’s greatest assets. By staying vigilant and seeking help when needed, you’re giving your child the best possible chance for a healthy, happy future.

Long-term Consequences of Birth Injuries

When a child experiences a birth injury, the effects can extend far beyond the initial trauma. As parents, it’s natural to worry about what the future holds for your child and your family. Understanding these potential long-term consequences can help you prepare and seek the support you need.

Physical Disabilities

Some birth injuries can result in lasting physical challenges. These may include:

  • Cerebral palsy, affecting movement and posture
  • Erb’s palsy or other forms of paralysis
  • Vision or hearing impairments
  • Chronic pain or sensory issues

Cognitive Impairments

Birth injuries that affect the brain can sometimes lead to cognitive challenges. These might involve:

  • Learning difficulties
  • Memory problems
  • Attention deficits
  • Speech and language delays

It’s important to remember that cognitive abilities can often improve with early intervention and ongoing support. These challenges do not define your child’s potential.

Emotional and Psychological Effects

The impact of a birth injury isn’t just physical. As your child grows, they may face emotional and psychological challenges, such as:

  • Frustration or anxiety about their limitations
  • Self-esteem issues, especially in comparison to peers
  • Depression or mood disorders
  • Social difficulties

Your unconditional love and support are powerful tools in helping your child build resilience and self-confidence. Professional counseling can also be invaluable in addressing these emotional needs.

Financial Burden on Families

Caring for a child with a birth injury often comes with significant financial challenges:

  • Ongoing medical treatments and therapies
  • Specialized equipment or home modifications
  • Potential loss of income if a parent becomes a full-time caregiver
  • Future costs for continued care or assisted living

Our network of compassionate Maryland birth injury attorneys and team at ABC Law Centers understand that financial stress can add another layer of hardship to an already difficult situation. Learning your child has a birth injury caused by medical malpractice can be devastating. The potential long-term effects, from ongoing medical care to specialized therapy, can feel like an overwhelming financial burden. 

A birth injury lawsuit, if successful, can help secure the financial compensation your child deserves. These funds can be used to cover the costs of ongoing medical care, therapy, special equipment, and any other needs that may arise throughout their life. This financial security allows you to focus on what truly matters – your child’s well-being and happiness.

Remember, your strength and advocacy are powerful tools in shaping your child’s future.  Let us help you secure the resources needed to ensure your child has every opportunity to thrive.

How Can a Maryland Birth Injury Attorney Help?

Facing the aftermath of a birth injury can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to navigate this challenging journey alone. Our firm and local counsel of skilled Maryland birth injury lawyers can be your advocates, guides, and support system throughout the legal process. Here’s how they can assist you:

Understanding the Legal Process

An experienced attorney will walk you through each step of filing a birth injury claim in Maryland:

  • Initial consultation and case evaluation
  • Gathering medical records and evidence
  • Consulting with medical experts
  • Filing the lawsuit within the statute of limitations
  • Discovery phase, including depositions and document exchanges
  • Negotiations for potential settlement
  • Trial preparation and court proceedings if necessary

Your attorney will keep you informed at every stage, explaining complex legal terms and procedures in a way that’s easy to understand. They’ll handle the legal burdens, allowing you to focus on your child’s care and your family’s well-being.

What to Expect During Litigation

Birth injury cases can be complex and time-consuming. Your attorney will prepare you for:

  • Possible depositions where you may need to answer questions under oath
  • Mediation sessions aimed at reaching a settlement
  • Court appearances if the case goes to trial
  • Emotional challenges that may arise as you revisit difficult memories

While the average timeline for birth injury cases in Maryland can vary widely, your attorney will strive to resolve your case as efficiently as possible while still fighting for the best outcome for your family.

Choosing the Right Attorney

Selecting the right birth injury lawyer is critical. Look for an attorney who:

  • Focuses on birth injury cases, with a proven track record in Maryland
  • Demonstrates genuine compassion and understanding of your situation
  • Communicates clearly and keeps you informed throughout the process
  • Works with top medical experts and resources

Don’t hesitate to ask potential attorneys about:

  • Their experience with cases similar to yours
  • Their success rate in birth injury claims
  • How they plan to approach your specific case
  • Their fee structure and what costs you might expect

The importance of experience in birth injury cases cannot be overstated. These cases require a deep understanding of both medical and legal complexities. An attorney with extensive experience in this field will be better equipped to build a strong case and anticipate potential challenges.

Remember, a good birth injury attorney is more than just a legal representative – they’re a partner in your journey towards justice and securing the resources your child needs for the future. They should make you feel heard, supported, and confident in your pursuit of fair compensation.

By choosing the right Maryland birth injury attorney, you’re taking a significant step toward advocating for your child’s rights and future. While no legal action can undo the injury, it can provide the financial support and closure your family needs to move forward.

How Long Do I Have to File a Birth Injury Claim in Maryland?

While it’s important to research and explore your legal options, there is a time limit to file a lawsuit. It is referred to as the statute of limitations.

In Maryland, you have until one day before the child’s 21st birthday to file a lawsuit. For adults, you have three years from when you knew or should have known of the malpractice not to exceed five years from the date of malpractice.

The statute can differ depending on the facility type and location where the malpractice occurred. If you believe that malpractice occurred during your child’s birth, it’s important to contact an attorney as soon as possible and confirm your statute.

Compensation in Birth Injury Cases

When your child has suffered a birth injury, the idea of seeking compensation might feel overwhelming or even uncomfortable. However, it’s important to understand that this compensation isn’t about putting a price on your child’s well-being – it’s about securing the resources your family needs to provide the best possible care and future for your child.

Types of Damages Available

In birth injury cases, several types of compensation may be available:

  • Medical Expenses: This covers past and future medical treatments, therapies, medications, and specialized equipment related to the birth injury.
  • Lost Income: If you or your partner had to reduce work hours or leave a job to care for your child, you may be compensated for lost wages and income.
  • Pain and Suffering: This addresses the physical pain and emotional distress experienced by your child and family.
  • Disability: Compensation for permanent disabilities resulting from the birth injury.
  • Special Education Costs: If your child requires specialized educational support, these expenses can be included.
  • Home Modifications: Costs for adapting your home to accommodate your child’s needs.

Factors Affecting Compensation Amounts

The amount of compensation can vary widely based on several factors:

  • Severity of the injury and long-term prognosis
  • Extent of medical care required
  • Impact on the child’s quality of life
  • Degree of negligence involved
  • Strength of evidence in the case
  • Specific laws and precedents in Maryland

How Compensation Can Help Families

While no amount of money can undo a birth injury, compensation can significantly improve your child’s life and ease your family’s burdens:

  • Ensuring access to the best medical care and treatments
  • Providing necessary therapies and interventions to maximize your child’s potential
  • Alleviating financial stress, allowing you to focus on your child’s needs
  • Securing your child’s future, including potential long-term care needs
  • Funding home modifications or specialized equipment to improve daily life
  • Covering educational support to help your child thrive academically

Pursuing compensation isn’t about blame or greed – it’s about advocating for your child’s rights and future. It’s about ensuring that your child has every opportunity to live their best life, despite the challenges they face.

Your courage in seeking justice can make a profound difference in your child’s life and potentially prevent similar incidents from happening to other families in the future.

Contact ABC Law Centers to File a Birth Injury Lawsuit

In the wake of a birth injury caused by medical negligence, you may be feeling lost, overwhelmed, and unsure where to turn. The medical bills can seem insurmountable, and the long-term needs of your child can feel daunting.  Here at American Baby and Child (ABC) Law Centers, we have had the privilege to give brave parents like yourself peace of mind throughout this process.

Our birth injury lawyers are dedicated solely to these cases and work closely with co-counsel in Maryland. For more than two decades, our team of highly respected attorneys has fought tirelessly for families facing this unimaginable situation. We know the complexities of birth injury law and the emotional toll it takes on parents.

We offer a free consultation to listen to your story with compassion and answer your questions in plain language. We’ll explore your legal options and explain how a successful birth injury lawsuit can help secure the financial compensation your child needs for ongoing medical care, therapy, and any other essential needs that may arise.

We work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you won’t pay any attorney fees unless we win your case. Let us help you navigate this challenging time with the legal experience and unwavering support you deserve.


Call ABC Law Centers today at 248-593-5100 or schedule your free consultation. There is hope, and we’re here to help you find it.